Life in a marginal: a tale of two Jeffs

After the blizzard of Lib Dem leaflets, Labour strikes back. It's all about Jeff this time, both in boring old A4 format:

And in a personal communication adressed personally to Mrs Tomsk in person, an intriguing origami-like construction yielding much the same information:

His handwriting looks a bit childish. Should have stuck to the typewriter. Plus he's blown the personal effect by addressing himself to "Dear Resident". Still, it's an impressive roster of ordinary definitely-not-Labour-activists backing Jeff there.

Believe it or not the leaflet folds open again to reveal yet more Jeff knowledge, like a more boring version of those folded paper number choosing thingummies you made at school.

In response Leech has sent us his own innovation: a square leaflet.

Could do better, frankly. But I have learnt something new: Manchester is a one-party state...


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